Andy's Photo Journal

By andmoff


I decided to keep this low key.

So I stumbled into blip (cheers Simon......) with the idea of actually taking pictures that weren't of holidays and kids. To try and unlock some of the ideas that float about aimlessly inside a messy mind. Some of the ideas have been seeping out, but the mind is still messy resulting in what I can only describe as a mish mash of images. A lot of that has to do with the fact that I seem to be constantly on the run, most of these images have been "snaps" but then again that process may be impacted by the fact that blip has given me the impetus to actually look around me and try and see images.

Importantly it's given me another portal on the world not media controlled.

So in the months since I started this I've seen:

Kids develop their photography in ways I could never have dreamed of.
Families grow.
Lives change.
The backyards and ordinary lives of ordinary people in far off places.
Fresh angles on cities I've loved all my life.
Incredible skill and inventiveness.
Spring, summer, autumn and winter all since December.
First world, second world, third world.
People touching the lives of those far more unfortunate than them.
More cats.
Kids asleep,
Kids going to school,
Kids growing up.
Attack ships on fire over the shoulder of Orion (maybe not.... but it'll come soon no doubt).

What has also impressed me here is that unlike many other areas of cyberspace people do not hide behind their anonymity to be spiteful; there is a lot of respect on the site. People act here like they would if they were in the room with you and that is to be commended. I've came across many people that I'd be happy to eat and drink with from as far as NZ to Seattle (the long way round you understand....). I've even managed a couple of spolights; I'll never work out why and what it is people are attracted to. I hope I never do as there is always the risk that my ego will just want spotlight and affect the honesty of my art (it's OK I can get out my ass myself.... :) )

Many thanks to those that have left kind comments on my journal, that have viewed my pictures and especially to those that have subscribed to my nonsense. My pictures have been viewed over 9100 times, I find that amazing. I will always get a wee thrill when I see someone has left me a comment

Thanks to all the guys at blipcentral for unlocking this particular world.

My personal faves so far on the this adventure:

The World Needs A Hero.

The Drum.

Gran Turismo.

Shopping Done.


The Woods.

Everything That Happened Will Happen Today.

The Farm And The Power Station.

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