Still on an empty nest

I stopped at the artificial island both going to the sanctuary and coming back, hoping to see if any of the birds there had laid an egg yet. The Great Crested Grebes were nowhere to be seen when I stopped the first time and the swan was sitting on the nest but didn't get up before I had to continue my ride.

When I stopped again on the way back the swan eventually did lift herself for a few seconds and I managed to get a quick snap of the egg in the nest but unfortunately it's not of blipping quality. I also tried to get a few shots of the Great Crested Grebes while they were having a mating session but these are not so great either. I did manage to get enough other photos that were good enough to blip though which made it rather difficult to pick just one but I eventually chose this shot of one of the Grebes.

Fortunately my walk with Thelma this afternoon was free of incidents, unlike yesterday's walk with the sanctuary's Turkish Shepherd dog Jimmy. About 3/4 into the walk two Turkish looking youngsters that I would guess were about 12 or 13 didn't stop whistling and shouting to us while they kept following us for what felt like quite a long time. Jimmy started to bark and became very agitated so I tried to increase the distance between us and those youngsters but they kept coming after us. Shouting to them to go away and threatening to call the police didn't help unfortunately and eventually I had to resort to calling the sanctuary before they finally disappeared.

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