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Early start to get the train we'd booked, but enough time in hand to buy the papers before leaving the country. These Club biscuits are from Fife, and I think were given to us a few years ago by Mr B's parents. They have a habit of giving us chocolate that is well past its sell by date... so I just didn't look. It made a fine breakfast.
Ferry, driving, driving, driving snow, driving rain, rain so thick you actually could barely see your wipers (and yet the French drivers still rattled by at 130km/h). And so, after too many hours of driving, and with the car feeling suspiciously hot, we gave up trying to get home tonight, and stopped outside Clermont Ferrand for the night. We actually lucked out and found a fantastic hotel in an Aire, with a fabulous room for the four of us for 69E00, and a super restaurant in the hotel too. Perhaps after my breakfast anything would have seemed cordon bleu (lunch was MacDo....) but it really was rather delicious. And early to bed.
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