Somewhere in France
Music link (that may or may not work...)
Early start, and off in a mercifully no longer overheated car to get home in time for Mr B to repack his bag and get to Toulouse in time for his flight to London. Never simple, is it?
The journey seemed to be taking for ever, but once we were back in the Tarn, everything felt easier. We arrived home at 10 ish (having got up at 5) so there was no point the kids going to school. Anyway they were too tired and we still had (oops) all the holiday homework to do.
A quick turnaround then and back out in the car to the airport to drop off Mr B, then home for a concerted attack on homework. Despite, or perhaps because of, tiredness, it was all done with no complaint and we could all have a well deserved early night. (After a little time lolling outside in the sunshine.)
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