
By WeeChris

Dratt, Dratt, and Triple Dratt!

My half day off began at about 3:45 this afternoon due to an extremely sick dog which I couldn't abandon. When I finally got home I almost immediately took off for a walk with the dogs, and the blipper, to catch "the golden hour" around dusk. I took a nice set of shots I thought, until I looked at them 10 minutes ago...

Tell me I'm not the only idiot to make this sort of blunder; last night's blip was taken with a tripod indoors using aperture priority with the white balance set for electric lighting. I forgot to reset the white balance. So all the shots I took today have a weird blue rinse!

I don't have photoshop or any other smart post-processing software except what is provided in iPhoto. For this blip I think I've managed to expunge the worst of the dope haze; well perhaps not. Anyway this is tonight's blip.

Note to self: Think, idiot!

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