a burst of light to welcome the holiday club kids into the church building….but oh what a noise…..and the kids are loving it….

i rang the dentist this morning because i was fed up with the wound in my mouth just inside the left corner of my lip….it has been troubling me for 3 months or more, despite rinsing with salt water…..
i could come at noon……he put my mind at rest ….it’s not cancer, but it could be one of several things….

so he rounded of some sharp tooth edges ….come back in 2 weeks….if it’s no better he will try medication….he even mentioned specialist…..

 done the washing this afternoon and a friend rang….we had a long conversation catching up….

i also went to the office because my heating only does tepid…..so they tried some things….but i don’t think it’s solved the problem…..

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