The day to start is today

By Traci

A conclusion is

the place where you got tired of thinking

I think I was over thought today. Training course on phonics, not too stretching but it's a little bit like breathing, when someone tells you to think how you breathe it suddenly becomes a little more complicated. Sounds, letters, blending, segmenting, syllables, all of these bits of the massive jungle of learning that these unsuspecting children come across when they get to school, and continues to challenge them as they progress.

Our tutor was wonderful. I have been on a few of her courses now and her wit and enthusiasm guides you through with confidence and you can only hope that it is not only the nuts and bolts of the learning you pass on to the children, it also needs to be the fun and freshness of the skills too - to create all those confident and happy student.

I managed to spot the lone egret on the way home tonight. My skills on stalking it to catch a blip need working on - anyone got a car sized camouflage jacket available !!! My little bright red car isn't helping :) I drove as slowly and quietly as possible into the riverside car park but short of covering the vehicle with a large sized shrub to disguise it.... I think it saw me coming :/

Tonight I am not quite sure what I was trying to achieve with a bit of experimenting, so can't be disappointed with the result. I just do know that I am hoping the sun is out tomorrow ... on the egret trail :) James Bond's invisible car required if available please

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