Dribs and Drabs of 2014

By RodgerEvans01

Deadly Smile

The world travelling nurse, Bugsie, and I spent Sunday afternoon in the Biology department. Me cleaning up from a Friday afternoon lab, her making sure Bugsie didn't eat Biological things not meant for Puggle bellies.

For a long time I had promised to take her to the Biology Museum and show her the collection of all things dead, skinned, bony, cool and funky. During our digging I came across this shark jaw. I was ecstatic, as well as a little pissed. In the month of February, as I made quest after quest for the "perfect pattern" photo, I thought the rows of teeth in a shark's jaw would be perfect. I asked the curator (the guy that's supposed to know what's in the museum) if we had a shark jaw. He said 'no'. Begs the question, why are we paying him to curate if he can't remember that we have a shark jaw???

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