Stevens Shots

By StevenC44

A Day Off

Hi everyone!

So, I finally got a day off school due to snow! I woke up this morning a bit later than I usually would on a school day, and the noise of the wind was really loud. When I looked outside, it was practically a blizzard! My parents had already made the decision to keep me off. Although it was still open, I have to get a bus to school, and I don't think they wanted me to travel in this weather! I took this a little later, once it had calmed down a bit, although it's now been snowing for over 24 hours non-stop.

As you can see, the whole garden is covered, and the poor shed has loads of it piling up against the door! I went out into the street and measured - there was over a foot of snow on the road alone! So, I stayed inside for a few hours, but when there's snow, you have to have a snowball fight. It's one of the un-official laws of childhood. I went out with Craig and my dad. I won. They might say otherwise, but I won.

As far as I know, it is supposed to snow overnight, but it's inevitable that the schools will be open, and I'm not too bothered, because Wednesdays are good days - no maths or physics!

Have a good Wednesday!

Steven :)

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