
By Enzotraveldog

A touch of the vapours.

What’s that - In the sky? asks I.
It’s the sun, replies the Silverback.

I know what the sun is; what’s the white line thingy?
That Enzo is the line the sun must never cross.

Why’s that?
If it crosses that line, we will all be burnt to a crisp!


That’s not true!
Very astute young Enzo! You are correct.

What is the white line thingy then?
Depends who you ask. Some people believe that jets squirt chemicals into the air to make all the males on Earth sterile. They believe it’s a joint CIA and Monsanto conspiracy to eventually take over the world!


I thought they got rid of Trump!
He’s in Exile.

Like Napoleon?
Sort of, but he could come back.

More thinking….

The quest for knowledge is such a tortured path!
Astute observation young Enzo. Correct again.

I think I’d like to walk without chatting for a while.
OK Enzo, let me know when you’re done.

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