The Flowering Of Language, Aylesford

My second day of "look harder, look better". I woke up very early today due to a little bit of a  wine headache. Serves me right for over indulging the end of a punishing work week. Bloody well enjoyed it though!
After the usual Saturday morning run before breakfast my thoughts turned to a lunchtime visit to my local pub for pizza and a cold pint. By the time we got there we 'd had, as the Crowded House song says, four seasons in one day. It had been dark as pitch, pulsating with rain, streaming with sunshine and back again at least three times over. It was great just to be there supping a beer and feeling so relaxed after the tensions of the week just passed.
Today's image was taken at the tiny village school and I feel represents, in some way, the kids I saw running around in the pub when we were having our lunch. Their yelps, bursts and torrents of language that they can't quite control and their fascination with words, sentences and stories seemed to fuel their imagination effortlessly. They seemed to take a simple joy in expressing themselves, almost as if they were almost tasting the sound of words in their mouths for the first time. The cacophony almost mirrored the bubbling, spilling, spitfire fireworks of the weather outside. We had a thoroughly enjoyable time. I'm now off to watch some good telly and read the papers. Perfect!
P.S. I've ordered my new CD player already. I can't wait for it to arrive and install it in my studio at work.

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