Looking good

The agapanthus bulbs were planted here about 5 years ago under the hedge in very stony ground. I didn’t expect them to be very successful, but having waited patiently I have been rewarded.

A strange day. I woke at 6.45 and got up at 7am …..unheard of for me. I normally sleep solid until 9 -10 am these days. Two coffees then I got the ironing done and started to cut out the next batch of material for the ongoing quilt. I was tired by 10, so went back to bed and slept for an hour. B was busy doing things so otherwise occupied.

We then had a very late breakfast / early lunch. It’s strange how I’m never hungry in the morning. 

The afternoon was spend preparing a nurses league mail out. Printing out 320 letters and the same number of address labels  took ages. Sorting them out will be left until tomorrow. 

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