Too much power...

The day started off as normal and we went off to a garden centre for breakfast (first time in ages) and to get a few bits.

However, it turned out to be an interesting afternoon with the voltage of the power into our house being over 280 where it should be 230 to 240 and even got up to 290 at one point. The solar panels shut themselves down and the UPS battery backup thing got very unhappy.

The power company just wanted to say they did not support our solar panels but with a bit of stroppiness from Mr Vine they put us onto an engineer. He was a bit surprised at the voltage we were reporting and said that was above the rating of their network.

Others started to report issues and they were soon onsite. A bit of power up and down and a repair at the local substation and we are all sorted. It was even back on in time for us to stick with our original dinner plans.

Note to self, do not try to use the toaster when the power is that high. I did turn it off quickly and hopefully it will be okay.

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