Bee Tornado

By ouster

Bicycle Wreck

Took the required crash course on fire-guard duties today at the city's main fire station. Now everyone in our group knows what the worst case scenario for audience participation in the theatre is: fire. The regulations and guidelines were concise and presented with good manly humour. The personal fire duty card is now valid for another five years.

After all those menacing slides of conflagration and how pressed for seconds one is in emergency, it was only natural to take a walk along the banks of Tammerkoski rapids in the city.

The spring and melting snow reveal all kinds of rubbish on the ground, but also in the water: somebody had tossed their bike over the railing to the bottom of the rapids. Nice...

The colours in this image are not natural in the least, thanks to iPhoto - a good set of sliders is always an inspiration. But then again there's nothing real in burying your bike in the river either.

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