Posh Parcel

Whilst clearing our garage recently I came across a bundle of wood that was wrapped in newspaper and brown parcel paper…

Turns out that the wood was an old tapestry frame and Mrs madwill thinks that someone ‘donated’ it to her many years ago ‘in case in came in useful’…

Anyway the newspaper was an old copy of The Times - I only know that because it has the Times Crossword No 8150 printed on one of the pages - sadly the header of the pages has gone so I have no idea of the date of it - however the labels are much more interesting….

The parcel was addressed to a lady in Adel, Leeds - I have not published details here…and it appears to have been sent from Harrods store, London SW1 (dept 165, asst 6374) on or about 2/11/1956  and there is some sort of post office sticker on there dated 5/11/56 - with what appears to be 1/4 - presumably 1 shilling and four pence postage - who knows..

Anyway - something a bit different for blip…

Edit / addendum - from 1st June 1956 until 1st October 1957 you could post a parcel up to 2lb in weight for 1s 4d after which it went up to 1s 6d !

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