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By NessD

Statement of intent

Or hope springs eternal?

Whisper it quietly but my feet seem to be improving. Initially the changes to my orthotics didn't seem to have reduced any pain. Even last week half a mile was a challenge, a mile had me contemplating getting the crutches out of storage. I'll admit I even had to give in a couple of times.

On Sunday I suddenly realised that my feet didn't hurt despite spending Saturday night stood up in a pub. Monday, still OK but hey I'd done nothing. So I've given my feet a little bit of a challenge the last couple of days and so far so good. Not perfect by any means but certainly the best they've been this year. Hence, the new lo-cut walking shoes. The eagle-eyed will notice they don't seem to have any inners but that's only because I had them fitted with my orthotics in.

Can't wait for the weekend now.


And yes I will try and do what I tell my patients and get my walking fitness back gradually. If all else fails they'll do for new shoes for work.

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