B -I -L Plus

We said our formal goodbyes to Derek today, middle top in this collage which was among other photos at his funeral. Derek’s family had put together a wonderful story of his life.

I knew his wife better than I knew Derek, but D knew him well from Pitstop men's table tennis group and because he became a member of the infamous BILs walking weekends which happen twice a year. 

Twenty-three years ago our husbands decided they would take themselves off on a walking weekend. This grew to twice a year and then grew in size as other friends were invited to join them. Hence the name BILs Plus, brothers-in-law plus others. I think it has had as many as nineteen members. It has become a wonderful tradition and has generated many hilarious stories. Accommodation has ranged from spartan to luxurious. The next weekend is planned for October and is to Withypool in Exmoor. 

 Sadly Derek has been unable to join them for several years now but today we were reminded how much he enjoyed these trips. 

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