
A lovely visit to Ruth this morning. I hadn’t been able to go to John’s funeral as we were away in the Outer Hebrides so it was good to see her. She thinks she’s like to come up in the winter to stay which would be lovely.

We had time for a stroll around Flatford (Willy Lott’s Cottage blipped was in a Constable painting as was the mill) before we got to Pat and Dave’s near Ardleigh in Essex. We managed a while in the garden before the rain forced us indoors. Pat provided a long lunch that lasted till evening. We’d not seen each other since my 70th so there was a lot of catching up to do. Pat has taken up photography and won prizes at her local group. She says she’s good at the technical stuff but finds composition hard. She showed me a lot of her photo books. I loved some of her landscapes but I don’t think Photobox is as good quality as Blurb.

Home tomorrow.

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