
By HeartFreek

Like Mother Like Son


These pictures are 30 years apart. Little Matty was looking up at his mummy while we sat at the table for breakfast. It immediately reminded me of a picture I had taken of DN1 at the same age.

So after a lovely day yesterday at DN2's Baby Shower - we all came down to earth with a bump when DN1 was sent an awful video at 3am. It was of her father having a horrendous breakdown. Sent to both DN1 and DN2 by his GF. She was scared and reaching out for help but totally the wrong thing to do. She should really have called the Police. What on earth could a mother of a 12 week old baby and a 37 weeker do at 3am? DN1 appeared in the morning crying her eyes out. Luckily I could take Matty from her while she calmed down but once you have seen and heard something, its not easy to then unhear it. Neither daughter could then get hold of his GF so there was a period of panic until they could speak to her. Whilst I couldn't give a damn about him (I have good reason!!) I was very worried for the girls who really didn't need to see and hear it. I heard it. He sounded possessed. It was awful.

I went with DN1 to see DN2. I helped them with messages to their Father as they were due spend the afternoon with him. Luckily he cancelled. I then left them and reassured them that I would help them through this. As much as I can't stand the bloke, I will do all I can to help and support them and don't want them thinking they can't talk to me about him.

Once I was home, I cooked a roast for Mr W and Lady Linda before we went for a walk and took her home. 

Its been a very busy weekend and I'm shattered!!!!

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