Another sad day.

We had a message from Lady Linda to say her mother Romey passed away early this morning. She was a lovely dear soul. She was in a care home in Kendal. She had mild dementia but seemed fit and healthy. She just passed away in her sleep. Bless her.

Our thoughts are with Lady Linda just now. Today also being the birthday of her son who died aged just 6 in a horse riding accident at a school fair.

Lady Linda called later in the day to say when the funeral was and asked Mr W if he would take her up North for it. She didn't think he would is it was a squash final day but he said of course he would.

I met a lady in the village for coffee. Shes a fellow Potter. She bought a few bits off me and we chatted for a while. It was great to meet someone who feels as passionate about clay as I do and I knew exactly what she was talking about!!!

Tony from the sports club that burnt down yesterday was also there. He's the odd job man at the club. He showed Mr W pictures of the remains. It was totally and utterly gutted. Even the pool ended up just a charcoal pit. He said plans were already underway to have it rebuilt but it would take at least 2 years. They are thinking it was a discarded cigarette on the decking that was the cause as the fire took hold incredibly fast and was seen outside 1st. I bet who ever was smoking so early that morning feels pretty bad!!!

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