Small is beautiful!!!

This is my new mini orchid - tiny but lovely. I'm tending it lovingly so lets hope it thrives! It has been a busy day today but I've got nothing done. I'm wracking my brains to think where the time went, but it went and now it's getting late and I've still loads to do. I suppose the fact that my camera battery charger fell into Alfred's water bowl this morning and got a right soaking didn't help! Of all the things to do - drop it over the bowl - I couldn't do it again if I tried. I shook it out and left it on some kitchen paper on the radiator for a few hours, so hopefully it has dried out. I'll find out soon enough!

I'm travelling to England tomorrow to meet my new niece - but she still hasn't been born! Two weeks late, but now officially 'on the way' so she should arrive some time during my visit! I've got to finish packing, make dinner, wrap her presents and work on an essay for my TEFL course, among other things... but first blip! I must get my priorities right... :-)

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