Museum Brunch Date

A fine warm day, some good sunny spells, some cloud, and then rain threatening this evening. 

Day off, and up early.  Got things ready, and headed to the peat hill, been there most of the day.  Big Brian came to help me, and we bagged up and took all my peats home.  Walkies with Sammy this evening, and then might try a mid week pint.

A well timed and well earned break arrived at 11am, when I met up with friends and former colleagues at the Shetland Museum.  They organised a brunch date, where they could present my leaving gift, and have a much needed catchup.  I was overwhelmed with the generous gifts.  A night in Busta, with meal and breakfast, a gift voucher for a garden centre, fancy wine, and many more smaller gifts.  They've been a great bunch to work with over the years, just hope these kind of coffee dates continue.  L-R - me, Barbara Anderson, Cathy Hallet, Anne Sutherland, Linda Fox and Sandra McArthur.  Taken in Fjara café, Lerwick.  

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