Communication the old way

I posted out 146 envelopes this morning to the nurses league members, it will be interesting to see the response, as we are an ageing population and it is two years since we had any formal communication. It’s not the cheapest method,  as the stamps cost almost £100!!!! 

The majority of members don’t have email accounts, some who do don’t check them, so it’s easier to use the good old postal service. I was grateful that the stamps are self adhesive these days. It’s grim to think of the days when we licked them and stuck them on:0( 

There are 8 members who live abroad and will be emailed as that’s their normal form of communication with the league and quicker.

I had a pedicure this afternoon, an appointment brought forward from next Tuesday. An announcement about a funeral procession which will cause disruption to traffic on that day and a recommendation to avoid travelling was received by email,  so I rang the salon to see if I could change and they were most helpful. 

These activities involved two short local journeys  driving, which I did independently and felt comfortable. 

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