Life's tangled skein

By atp

New Forth Crossing Works

I admit this is becoming something of a "when I can't find anything else to shoot" subject, but it's always good for a photograph.

This is the north caisson of the new Forth Crossing, taken from the observation gallery in the grounds of what I believe is called the "Brook Queensferry Hotel". I'm not sure about that, though. That's what it comes up as in Google, but it doesn't show up in the Brook Hotels website. So I am a little confused.

Anyway, there's not a lot more to say. There are some more great night-time shots there, for anyone who takes a tripod and a camera that can focus well in the dark. I had neither; this is the only shot that was both in focus and not blurred with camera shake.

I'm sure that there's a better crop than this, but I couldn't quite find it.

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