Life's tangled skein

By atp

Tech Rehearsal

This is the Dunblane Centre sports hall. It's in the process of being converted into the Dunblane Centre Auditorium. By tomorrow night, this hall will look like a theatre. There will be seating covering up the floor markings, the people lying on the floor will be working backstage, there will be an audience and the show will be on!

Tonight, yeah, that was a rehearsal. Mostly, a tech rehearsal. Get the cast used to the stage and the lighting. Let the sound and lighting guys figure out what they have to do. There is more rigging to be done, there are costumes to sort out. Last minute moving around of the people on stage now we actually have a stage to work on.

Managing all of this, the show's director, who has had more all-nighters lately than is reasonable. Everything from designing to the programme to plotting the mics falls to her. But somehow she gets it done.

Looking forward to tomorrow night!

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