Siopa diwydiannol
Siopa diwydiannol ~ Industrial shopping
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Aethon ni i lawr i Halfords y prynhawn 'ma i brynu dyfais i dynnu beic plentyn. Rydyn ni'n rydyn ni'n disgwyl Sam ddydd Llun ac y byddai fe'n ddefnyddiol i dynnu ei beic i'r parc. Mae Halfords mewn dŵr cefn lled-ddiwydiannol o le, ger bwytai gyrru drwodd, warysau arian parod a chario, lleoedd lle mae pobol yn gyrru, nid yn cerdded, leoedd lle main nhw'n gadael sbwriel yn y maes parcio, lleoedd lle mae'r palmentydd wedi gordyfu. Mae'n lle rhyfedd yn llawn esgeulustod. Rydw i'n beio ceir, wrth gwrs, ond rydw i'n beio ceir am y rhan fwyaf o bethau. Serch hynny, gwnaethon ni gwerthfawrogi Halfords, B&M ac Aldi. O leiaf i ni maen nhw'n mewn pellter beicio. Dydw i ddim yn gwybod beth ellid ei wneud i wella'r lle. Parc bach neu faes chwarae efallai. Rhywbeth i annog pobol i gamu allan o'u ceir a cherdded a beicio yn lle. Chi byth yn gwybod.
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We went down to Halfords this afternoon to buy a child's bicycle towing device. We are expecting Sam on Monday and it would be useful to tow his bike to the park. Halfords is in a semi-industrial backwater of a place, near drive-through restaurants, cash-and-carry warehouses, places where people drive, not walk, places where they dump rubbish in the car park, places where the pavements are overgrown. It's a strange place full of neglect. I blame cars, of course, but I blame cars for most things. However, we did appreciate Halfords, B&M and Aldi. At least for us they are in cycling distance. I don't know what could be done to improve the place. Maybe a small park or playground. Something to encourage people to step out of their cars and walk and cycle instead. You never know.
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