Pelican Hangout

It was raining and overcast all day here. Lisa was going to make me take her to the outlet mall. I snuck off to get a haircut, and to get a picture before the shopping experience.

I don't like getting my haircut by anyone other than my daughter. But, Mike did an OK job. 1 blade on the sides...3 blade on top. High and an army sergeant.

The fish market was hopping. One boat wanted to boat wanted to leave. A tight squeeze, and some unloading fish shots are on my FLICKR PAGE.

The building behind the pelicans has an interesting background. It was a net house. The netter and his family lived in the house. The fishermen brought him their nets, and he stretched them out across some pylons to repair them. The old photographs of the place are really fun to look at.

Shopping wasn't too bad...dinner with my brother and his watching CSI. Hoping for some sun on the morrow.

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