The Cannonball Run (& Leap), Fort Amherst, Chatham

Went to the Festival At The Fort today in Chatham. Luckily, the weather was good and it was an enjoyable and relaxed occasion. What I hadn't realised was the very steep climb to get up to the fort itself (there was maybe a tiny clue in the name!). We were quite out of puff by the time we made it to the top but it was worth it when we got  there - and it was free entry as well!
I took the main image on the ramparts where I saw this boy running around and jumping over and onto the cannonballs. I waited a few seconds and then he took his leap, looked up and there was my photo!
The rest of the images are more shots from around the festival site and of some of the performers taking part.
Right at the top of the fort there is a viewing platform that gives a panoramic vista of Chatham, the Medway and the old naval dockyard. Now Chatham is not a town that you would call a looker but from that vantage point it managed to look rather glorious.

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