
We’re going to enjoy being here!

As we drove down today, I realised that last Sunday, we woke up in Devon and went to bed in London and today, we woke up in Cheshire and are going to bed in Cornwall.
:-) Next Sunday’s going to feel relatively static.

The drive down here felt really really long. It’s taken Elbows one step forward in seeking to buy a new car. Trev the Prev is maybe on his last holiday with us. He’s 21 years old; we’re all fond of Trev and his faithfulness but maybe, maybe, it’s time.

Delightfully, we had a stop off near Bristol to collect WelshLad and meet up with his parents, our special Welsh friends. We haven’t seen them since our Pembrokeshire holiday last summer so it was particularly sweet to see them.

When we eventually got here, we unpacked the car and headed off to look around.

It’s looking good.

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