There's someone at my....
We were lucky this afternoon as we had just checked into a hotel in Kampen. It started to rain heavily and continued to do so for hours. We had chosen a hotel because we were tired of the headwind. We are close to Bert's brother and s.i.l. who were very surprised when we rang their doorbell unexpectedly.
We mainly cycled through parts of the provinces of Drenthe and Overijssel. A beautiful area formed by excavations of raised moors, but also by moraines, remnants of the last ice age, behind which villages have arisen. The villages are characterized by their green in the centre of the village and the low farms covered with reed roofs. Past Meppel we cycled more and more between lakes and puddles created by peat bogs, with the last one being right against the wind over a former sea dike to Kampen.
The origin of the Netherlands is very interesting.
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