out and about

By lunchtime, i had finished all the photo editing and was ready to look at anything other than a screen for the rest of the day. I don't know how people who look at computers all day every day for their work manage to keep their eyesight and their sanity intact..

I had several errands (or "messages" as we call them here) to run in town, so after lunch I headed into Dumfries. It was such a nice day that I thought I'd punctuate my tasks with a walk, and since I was parked near the Dock Park, I started there and walked down the Nith to Kingholm Quaay and then up to the Crichton Gardens and Castledykes Park. I met a friend I'd not seen since before lockdown so we had a good chat. 

The weather was really warm, just right for haymaking. You might think that this is a rural scene, but it's really just a stone's throw from here to the town centre. Nowhere in Dumfries is very far from the countryside; that's one of the things I like about it.

Back home for some gardening and a phone call with Dad - apparently Mum may still be in hospital until next week, but she's ok, slowly improving :-)

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