Picking pears

There's a big pear tree on the boardwalk by the harbour. G and I have sampled several of them over the years and talked about what a waste it is when they aren't picked. I was delighted to see this woman picking them today. I had a brief chat with her, and she said that she picks them every year and makes all kinds of jams and other things with them. Fantastic! I asked if I could take a photo and went to move, because I wanted one with her face not showing, and she very kindly changed her angle so that I got the back of her head and a slight profile instead.  One of her buckets filled with pears is in the extra. 
After a cloudy start to the day, we're back to full-on blue sky and sun, but it's much cooler. I went to town to pick up a few things, picked tomatoes, cucumbers and zucchini, got some ingredients ready for supper, and there went the day!  

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