
11:30, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00 am

It feels like there has been a jump in her development today!

I hardly saw her today! Some of the ‘Old All Sainters’ met up for coffee at 10am. Cathie was staying home so I could join them. Just four of us in the end but that made it even nicer as there was only one conversation that everyone was a part of. Chris, Diane, Suzie and myself. I REALLY enjoyed our catch up.
I had about half an hour before I was taking mom out. We did:
car valet
new cell phone
bank (re Dads stuff)
new landline phone
Back to mine for coffee with Cathie, then a ‘quick’ stop at mom’s to set up her new phone.

It was 6:30pm before I got home! Phew! It was a long day. Good to get all that done but long.

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