2:30 and 7:48am ….. I knew she had jumped with her development! :D All that time sleeping in my bed! :D (That is me…not Scout! Although I’m sure she’ll join me in bed at some point in the future.)

Mom called mid morning feeling frustrated because she couldn’t get either phone to work! So at 11:30am I took Scout on her ‘first’ car journey, to mom’s for the first time. She and Jodie just ran round in circles! : D
Got the phones sorted, had a wee cuppa. Got home at 1:30pm. Sat for a bit…
Then Scout and I went to visit Beth (the vet) at home and she met both boys too. Scout was fairly chilled and just explored the room calmly.
Home at 5pm
At 6:45pm the Tucklets arrived to puppy sit while Cathie and I met up with Emma for a swim. It took quite a while to get in but was lovely once in. Not warm at any point but lovely! When I got out I got properly shivery cold. That hasn’t happened for such a long time. It didn’t take me too long to warm up again (although I did put my big duvet back on for tonight!
It feels like autumn now and I am sad that summer has gone.
Took the Tucklets home and picked up chinese.
Scout was out for the count in bed!

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