Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Boy's Eye View

I've been finding it quite hard to find things to blip this past week. Starting to feel a lot better but still not 100%. Who would have thought concussion would take so long to get over. It might not have helped that when I'm supposed to have been "resting" I've been having to spend every spare minute when I'm not asleep, working on Beltane stuff to get my costume finished and fireproofed in time.

Just over a week left to go.

I realised I'd not picked up my camera so spent nearly an hour trying to get a nice shot of something. My shaky hands yet again ruined a lot of them and then Scuzz tried to sabotage my efforts by licking my lens. Note to self: don't try and take close ups of the ferrets when they're awake! Breifly interupted the boy from his game to take this shot.

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