Ha'Penny Bridge

Our last full day in Dublin. Shopping and walking about, visiting those places we wanted to see again and of course fish and chips and that last pint of Guinness.  Have really enjoyed being in this beautiful city. Been great getting out and about again and off our little island. Thank you Dublin

Corona Virus Update
Bahrain recorded 124 new cases, 0 fatalities and 114 recoveries today

BAHRAIN has retained its top position in Covid-19 recovery rates in the GCC – with 99.1 per cent of patients resuming a healthy life.
Qatar follows close behind with a 98.6pc recovery rate followed by Kuwait (97.6pc), Saudi (97) and the UAE (96.8pc).
Oman is last on the chart with 95.9pc of its people recovering from the infection.

The number of children hospitalised with Covid-19 in the United States hit a record high of just over 1,900
Children currently make up about 2.4% of the nation's Covid-19 hospitalisations.
The numbers of newly hospitalised Covid-19 patients aged 18-29, 30-39 and 40-49 also hit record highs 

Australia purchases Pfizer vaccines from Poland as Covid-19 infections spike
Federal and state governments have committed to ending lockdowns when 70% of the country's near 26 million population is vaccinated.

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