Heading home

A long day. Left hotel at 3.30am. A 4 hour stopover at Frankfurt airport.  Then another stop at Riyadh airport. Finally touched down in the sandpit at 11.00pm. Then PCR tests at airport and finally in my bed after midnight

Corona Virus Update
Bahrain recorded 103 new cases, 0 fatalities and 123 recoveries today
Individuals vaccinated - 1,126,331
270,804 cases have been recorded in the sandpit.
Bahrain has 998 active cases,  5 are receiving treatment,  6 critical  cases.  1,384 deaths recorded.  268,422. recoveries.  Total tests done is 5,677,009

Kuwait only acknowledges visitors who have received a double dose of Pfizer BioNtech, Moderna, Oxford/AstraZeneca, or one shot of Johnson and Johnson vaccines.
It refuses to acknowledge Sinopharm and Sputnik vaccines despite World Health Organisation (WHO) backing.

“Saudi accepts one shot of any recognised vaccine so those who took Pfizer, as a booster, are now free to travel without facing any difficulty.

Turkey is allowing people who were inoculated with Sinovac's (SVA.O)coronavirus vaccine to take an additional Pfizer (PFE.N)dose as it looks to ease travel to countries that have not approved the Chinese shot, 

Turkey has administered 83 million vaccines against Covid-19, 

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