Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley

A springtime walk

Enjoyed to brilliant walk with Clare from Harlaw Ranger station over the Pentland Hills down to Flotterstone Inn and back - With a wee spot of lunch in between.

Leaving the Ferry there was no sign of snow at all but the lure of the Pentlands was too great to pass as the white stuff remained there. Parked at the car park at Harlaw Ranger Station - we headed up and over the hills - passing glencourse reservoir and then down to the Inn for a spot of lunch.

The shot was taken on the way there - the sky was still blue (it had turned all grey and very flat light on the way back) and I was taken by this lone tree so I decided to try and get it in shot with the reservoir below.

Even though it is officially springtime....there is something magical about still seeing the white stuff on the ground at this time of year and maybe I might just get some sledging done before it all disappears!!

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