Black Horse fly

I’ve seen plenty of ‘Horse Flies’ but NEVER one like this! Spotted her just above our garage door and since I had only my trusty iPhone at hand, and didn’t want to take the time to go inside to get my camera, this is what I was able to shoot. She’s a Black Horse Fly, Tabanus atratus. I know she’s a female because she has two ‘saw blades’ jutting out from the front of her face. (see the *extra) She uses them to cut into the hide/skin of her ‘host’ then laps the blood up as it oozes out with what sure looks to me like a tongue! Males apparently don’t possess these handy little saws since only the females feed on blood.  She looked to be a bit over an inch in length and was actually a handsome fly! I apologize for any lost sleep over this one. I was planning on posting a flower but…! Also in the * Eastern Eyed Click Beetle.
A Good Weekend to All.

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