Nursery Crime...

The nod to Genesis's third album is all it is - a nod. The crime, if crime it was, was the forced relocation of about a couple of hundred cabbage white caterpillars from the sprout plants in the front garden veg beds. 

Janet was quite chuffed when she found a couple of baby caterpillars... "Mark, get your macro lens" she cried. And then we found a few more, and more, and more, and I came across this nursery*** underneath one of the bigger leaves. They were all gathered into a big black bucket with some of the remaining sprout leaves and moved to "another location". 

Ok, after yesterday's variably received shot I could have played it safe with a bee picture. But hey, they're becoming so passé, eh. In the afternoon I took Morrigan out to Kemble / Cotswold Airport to see how many of the jumbo's had been dismantled. 

There are plenty to go. I wonder if air travel will ever regain its popularity.

*** update. It appears this is actually a parasitised caterpillar, and the larvae are all inhabited (yuk) by the parasitic braconid wasp - isn't nature wonderful.

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