New to me!
My second bus trip of the week to Bishop Auckland wasn't wasted. My main objective was to see the physio for my knee. He as a lovely young lad but seemed very knowledgeable and gave good and useful explanations. He reassured me that although it could be the start of some arthritis in that knee it is only painful because the fall I had has exacerbated the pain, and with a little management I should be able to get it pain free at home. I am hopeful!
I called in at the opticians as they said on Tuesday that one pair of the specs could be ready by today. The second pair was a bit more complicated. Keen to have an unscratched pair of readers for my travels next week I did call in. The girl rang up to the lab and they said yes one pair was there and they brought them down. I was so pleased and she set about making sure they fitted correctly. Whilst doing that the young lad rushed down with the second pair, saying they had just arrived! My elation must have been obvious I'm sure! Both pairs fitted beautifully, the second just needed slight adjustment to fit snugly, and I'm so pleased as now I won't need to make yet another trip there as soon as I return after my time away.
As I walked back the length of the town I had a bit of time to spare before the bus so I popped into a couple of charity shops. I've been following some YouTube sewing vlogs and one lady has been fashioning new garments from oversized dresses and skirts brought from charity shops and I though what a good idea. I couldn't find anything where I liked the fabric enough to do that, but I did spot this White Stuff skirt. I had seen this new in the Dorchester shop before I moved but couldn't really warrant the price tag, over £40. This one just £4.49 and it is washable. I had to chance a size 10, but I seemed to remember their sizing is on the forgiving side. My thought was that if it was too small I could make a lovely bag with the fabric.Win win! When I got home it did fit and I'm over the moon.
Overall a better day than I had imagined it would be. The phone was quiet another bonus. The call to my mum was fine apart from the fact she has torn the skin from her leg which is now being attended to by the district nurse. So pleased there were people there to help her at the press of a button.
A wet weekend is forecast so a good time to be sewing and prepping for my travels.
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