Forever friends

A parcel arrived for us yesterday from our friends in Berlin.

I say ‘our’ friends; technically Stef is Mr A’s friend but I’ve adopted her as mine too!

She included a couple of cards in our parcel, one of which included this screenshot from a conversation she had with Mr A, just a few days after we’d first met. I’m amazed she still has a copy of it and it’s nice to see what he thought about me!
There was also a heartfelt message saying how they’ve been friends for 21 years, yet she messages me first now and that it’s wonderful that time can pass yet we still pick up where we left off.

The other card was attached to an absolutely gorgeous, nappa leather bound journal. The message was that she hopes we can document our adventures together as we travel along our new path in life as husband and wife.

We are truly blessed to have such amazing people in our lives. I only wish she lived closer! :-)

DQ x

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