
By DramaQueen

Say Yes to the dress

As you may (or may not) know, I should have become Mrs A in June, but covid put paid to that.
As gutted as we are that we have to wait, it’s given us the rare opportunity to tweak a couple of things that hindsight has given us. when I say us, I mean me of course! One of which is my dress.

I bought a dress last November, but it was a bit of an impulse buy & off the peg, as I knew I wouldn’t have the time to find, order and fit one from a bridal shop; they can take months to order in! Far from being frivolous, it was a bargain buy, which is why I don’t feel too bad changing my mind.

So for the last couple of weeks (since the shops reopened), I’ve been living the dream and playing dress up; it’s been fab!!!

Today I paid a return visit to a local shop to narrow down my choices from last time but ended up saying yes to something completely different!
I’m so happy but now have to wait until March for my fittings and June for my Groom. Here’s hoping he says yes to the dress (& me) too ;-)

DQ x

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