
By dfb24

Genesee Ridge Bluegrass Band

This is the 2nd year of the local Bluegrass Festival--not counting last year which was cancelled--and the first time I've gone. It's a fundraiser, so the Lions' Club sells food & drinks and the money raised will go toward a new shelter for the park. They have 3 different bands playing throughout the day so that there's continuous music from 12:00 until about 8pm, & while I only stayed about an hour I really enjoyed the music & the fun atmosphere! Kids were dancing, people were clapping and toe-tapping--which I can only assume will increase throughout the day at the same pace as the amount of beer consumed! (by the adults, not the kids!) Lol. Wisconsin's a BIG beer drinking state--I think we're ranked #8 in beer consumption out of all the states....it's because of all those German Beer Barons who came to Milwaukee back in the mid to late 1800's.....Captain Frederick Pabst, Joseph Schlitz, Adolphus Busch, etc.
Fun story: Captain Pabst loved nothing more than showing off his world-class brewery to visiting dignitaries. One day he was showing around the (then) governor of New York, Roswell Flowers. Pabst boasted to him that he hired only the strongest and fittest men to work for him, and pointing to the large fire bucket hanging on the wall, said that any of the men working there could fill the fire bucket up with beer and drink it down as you would a glassful. Turning to a nearby employee to prove it, he said "Isn't that so, Pete"? 
 "Ja, Herr Captain," replied the worker, "but would you excuse me just one minute?"
The worker retreated to an adjacent room. Upon his return, he filled the fire bucket with beer, hoisted it to his mouth, and proceeded to drain it in one long pull. Amazed and impressed by the feat, the Governor and the Captain congratulated the beaming employee and proceeded with their tour of the brewery. A curious Captain Pabst later asked the worker why it had been necessary to leave the room before emptying the bucket. The employee replied, somewhat embarrassed, "Vell, Captain, I didn't know for sure could I do it. So I just went to try it first."  :))

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