
By dfb24

The Final Day...

...of this years' Irish Fest at the Summerfest Grounds along the shore of Lake Michigan. Over the years I spent a lot of hours at this Festival, as my daughter danced with the Trinity Irish Dancers for almost 9 years and they always performed here. I met my daughter, son-in-law & the grandkids here about 12:30 & we left about 4:30. There are multiple stages that have performances all day long of Irish dancing, Irish music, story-telling, plenty of food, plenty of Irish beer, & a marketplace. There's a tent where the ladies will help you look up your Irish ancestry & they even had an area of Irish breeds of dogs: red Irish setters, a couple of water spaniels, a few terriers, and my personal favorites: 2 of the hugest grey wolfhounds I've ever seen. They were beautiful!  I'll be back at the Summerfest grounds later this week--probably on Friday--when it will be Mexican Fiesta, as Mae will be dancing there all three days. :)

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