Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Saturday walk

Up early and out for our walk, Lili usually decides which way to go and I follow. She has had a poorly tummy for the past 3 days, so has been on a bland diet. She is not a scavenger when out, sniffing and peeing yes ….. but eating rubbish no. It seems to be getting better :)

Visit to AJ today, she is well, good catch up. She is desperate to get some new shoes/slippers and although “allowed” to visit family, it is discouraged to go to shops. Hopefully soon, these decisions will change. :)

Film tonight - Boss Level, Mel Gibson - a bit too much gun/knife killing (film based on Groundhog Day, working towards changing and learning something different each day). If you stay with it, story unfolds a mystery. Bit of a shock ending! :)

Extra - having checked in at our trip to London on Wednesday, need to monitor. LFT today visiting AJ, doing LFT tomorrow as our routine twice weekly tests. Feeling ok, no symptoms, fingers crossed. :)


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