Watching the world go by

Scout got some time to explore the dinning room today. She was very happy to find and run off with a pot of fish food!!!

Stayed at home all day today and I’m going nuts with just everything being wet constantly! :(. It’s not cold but it’s so humid that nothing is drying. Not the yard out back, not the kitchen floor, not the puppy and not the puppy bed! And my stupid super eco dryer is no help as it too refuses to dry things properly!!! I have to admit that next time I need to get a new dryer I’d buy one that is not so ‘economical and good for the environment’. It is not good for my environment as it doesn’t dry anything even though it spins for three hours!!! (How is that economical and good for the environment?) and it’s not good for my mental well being!!!

Dave came back for dinner tonight. We had pancakes with bananas, blueberries, strawberries, bacon and maple syrup at the request of Cathie. :)

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