
By Cygnus


What a gorgeous afternoon!

This morning the AM and I viewed a live-stream of our grandson’s dedication in church. He did very well! Being a lockdown baby his parents didn’t have the opportunity to have him presented to their church family before now, so instead of wearing a flowing baby gown, he stood on his own wee chunky legs (in his kilt) and took it all in.

Our granddaughter, the Gusling, made a thwarted attempt to run amok at the front of church, but the minister was wise to these shenanigans and paused momentarily to allow her mum to scoop her up into her arms. All progressed calmly from then on!

So the AM and I are not actually in Edinburgh as planned, allowing us to come down to the boat this afternoon. It has got steadily warmer as the day has progressed and now, early evening, it’s much warmer and sunnier than it was this morning.

And I think it’s to be warm and sunny next week! Yay!

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