Life on a cow pat
5 random sized jars of piccalilli made early this morning before my "normal" day commenced.
I took my camera with me on today's walkabout with Indie. Photography & dog exercising don't really go hand in hand. I spotted a pretty small butterfly enjoying life on a cow pat, attempted to sneak up on it only for Indie to arrive tail wagging, wanting to get in on the act, butterfly took flight. It landed again, Indie had gone off sniffing about, I knelt down on the floor, but needed to lie down to be at the same level .. One click then she was back again, licking me to death... GRH!! LOL!! A little later once I'd manoeuvred my way through the ever increasing brambles I saw another unusual butterfly/moth, got one click before the maid arrived. Hey ho!!! I'll just have to go back again without her. :-) Immediately after that I was busy looking at my camera instead of watching where I was walking through long grass, bracken, brambles. OPS!! Stepped down into the ditch, which fortunately was dry due to lack of rain. That could have been far worse. The camera did'nt suffer on this occasion, fortunately. Will I ever learn!!
Back at Mum's, Indie had a bit if a hair do .. a few bits chopped off & tidied up. Then I had a go at the 1/2 std weeping willow in the front garden. At some point it was clipped back using the hedge trimmer which has completely spoiled it as it now sprouts bits here, there & upwards. Like a bad hair day. Not a problem I suffer with having fairly short straight hair. I'm trying to get it tamed but it's tricky!! Mum came back to Chudleigh with me. We watched the racing from Sandown later in the afternoon, 10pence wagers, picking random numbers, not studying form, jockey etc. I had a couple of wins :- ). We had a lovely roast meal with lots of veggies from the plot. Yum!
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