It Could Be Worse. We Could Be Living On Titan

On This Day In History
79 AD: Mount Vesuvius erupts

Quote Of The Day
"Some of us get all weepy when we think about the Gaia Hypothesis, the idea that Earth is a big, furry goddess-creature who resembles everybody's mom in that she knows what's best for us. But if you look at the historical record - Krakatoa, Mt. Vesuvius, Hurricane Charley, poison ivy, and so forth down the ages - you have to ask yourself: 'Whose side is she on, anyway?'"
(Barbara Ehrenreich)

"Frigid and alien, yet similar to our own planet billions of years ago, Saturn's largest moon, Titan, has a thick atmosphere, organic-rich chemistry and a surface shaped by rivers and lakes of liquid ethane and methane. Cold winds sculpt vast regions of hydrocarbon-rich dunes. There may even be cryovolcanoes of cold liquid water. NASA's Cassini orbiter was designed to peer through Titan's perpetual haze and unravel the mysteries of this planet-like moon." 
(Space Travel Posters wall calendar)

Symphony No.50

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